in the year 2024 Election
for the Office of President of the United States
a/k/a The National Campaign for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

The National Campaign

Request made to US Federal Court Eastern District New York January 2017
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Request made to the United States Federal Court Eastern District of New York State January 2017:

It is my understanding that the only persons who are permitted to sware in a President or Vice-Presoident of the United States is a Federal Court Judge. Since the results of the United States 2016 Presidential Election was so clearly the result of intervention of the Russian Governement and it agents, I submitted the following demand request to the appropriate court as a citizen and voter who believes that my rights and to vote in a free and fair election had been denied me and that I wanted the court to throw out the results of the tainted election and hold another elcetion with proper survaliance and protections against any further intervention by fourign entities; i.e. Russia and its agents. My request and demand was completely ignored.

Chief Judge Dora Lizette Irizarry

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York

225 Cadman Plaza East

Brooklyn, NY 11201

We are asking the Court to rectify the wrong done by the Russian government and its agents where it effectively if not actually disenfranchised us (me) from voting in a free and fair election for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, which in turn, resulted in the election by the Electoral College of candidates for those offices who were the hand-picked favorites of the Russian governmental leaders and with and over whom those Russian governmental leaders would have greater sway towards the detriment of the United States of America as a country and, thereby, the American People as a whole.

In our estimation, the way the Court can accomplish this request would be to direct Court Officers, or which ever Federal Government officials it may deem appropriate and able, to take whatever steps that may be deemed necessary to postpone any swearing-in of any person or persons for the offices of President and or Vice-President of the United States of America until such time as a fair and unfettered election is held; one, in which no influences of outside agencies, such as seen in this latest election, is possible.

As simplistic and as perhaps grandiose as this request may seem, it appears to us to be the only way to approach the situation at hand, other than to allow the Russian Government and its various agents to have their way with the United States of America and all without even firing a single shot; i.e. that the election held was manipulated such as no election in the United States, to our knowledge, had ever been manipulated before; to the point where the electorate; i.e. the voters, were forced to make decisions based on what is now being termed “dis-information,” and “fake news” as well as carefully timed announcements and releases of embarrassing e-mails from all sorts of sources of questionable origin.

It has been mentioned that what the Russian Government and its agents have done in manipulating the election could be considered to be an act of war against the United States of America. Short of regarding this manipulation of the electorate and, thereby, of the election, as an act of war, but, at the same time not wanting to submit entirely to the will of the Russian Government and of its various agents, and, thereby, to allow its hand-picked candidate to become what will amount to be an “enemy plant” if not a “virtual time-bomb” that could be a kind of “Trojan Horse” that can allow the degradation and eventual destruction of the United States of America as we know it.

Is the matter able to be settled? Is there a need for a “trial” at all? Is it a criminal case or a civil case?

The Federal Government Security agencies (17 in all) have concurred in public that the United States Presidential election held on November 8, 2016 and conducted in each state of the Union had been tampered with by agents of the Russian Government. Though these security agencies have stated that the “counting of the votes” in each of the states had not been tampered with and can be considered accurate, it is our contention that the election, as it was conducted, was manipulated in such a way as to have denied voters, such as myself, our franchise; i.e. the right to vote, in a free and fair election. That is to say, the election was unfair; or, in the phrase used by one of the candidates in that very election, “the entire thing was “rigged.” The only way to settle the issue fairly in our opinion would be to set aside the results of the presidential and vice-presidential election and conduct a new election in such a way as to insure that the process is open, unfettered by anyone or any country or and entity that might wish to control the outcome to its own advantage such a what has clearly happened in the recent election. If what the Russian Government and its agents did were tantamount to an act of war, we would think this case would be or have certain criminal overtones. But, we are not suing the Russian Government or any of its agents. By the same token, the right to vote in a fair and just election would seem to make this action a civil matter since voting would be categorized as a civil right. In the worst possible scenario, the action we are requesting the Court to take is in direct defense of the Constitution of the United States, which is what the President swears to defend in the oath that must be taken. If the Court allows the election, which was without a doubt manipulated, directed and rigged by the Russian Government and its agents, to be allowed to stand, it will be tantamount to surrendering to the enemy without their even firing a single shot. Do we have to have bombs dropped on us in order for us to take aggressive actions to protect and defend our nation for enemy attack? It is my contention that ever since the Russian Government and its agents attacked the United States of America by taking disruptive and manipulative actions to control the outcome of the presidential election that a state of war has existed between the United States of America and the Country of Russia. The actions we are demanding be taken is the logical and proper thing to in order to insure that the safety and security of our nation is maintained.

Respectfully submitted,

Drew G. Kopf