in the year 2024 Election
for the Office of President of the United States
a/k/a The National Campaign for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

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Only 1000 More Days
In 1000 more days we will have elected a new President!

On November 4th, 2008 (go ahead, make an a note of it in your calendar), George W. Bush, the worst and most damaging President this nation has ever had, will be watching as the citizens of American vote for his successor.

We therefore have 1000 days in which to convince millions of people who voted for Bush in 2004, or did not vote at all, that they should vote for change and, most likely, the Democratic candidate, whomever he or she may be.

It is probably too late for the infrastructure to be put in place for a viable third party candidate, which is a great shame as many months ago I was explaining that if 2.5 million supporters saved only $1 each, per week, since the last election, we could have amassed $162.5 million by now. By the next election that could have been $500 million.

Who would we elect if we had the choice? I'm not thinking a unelectable Libertarian or Green party alternative. I'm thinking a candidate that is more in tune with the majority of Americans, representing the center of the political spectrum. Since the GOP is becoming an extreme right party, and the Democratic party has not been willing to embrace the center, we need a candidate that will. Maybe it is someone like Drew Kopf who wrote to me recently and is also keeping count of the number of days until the next election and offers his view of an alternative choice. With no disrespect to Drew, hopefully it is someone more electable. Certainly with $500 million, any campaign on such a budget could realistically compete with the Republicans and Democrats. And with a pledge of $1 per week, that's money that would hardly be hard for supporters to come up with, and it could be done without resorting to taking money from any special interest group. It would be a true grassroots campaign!

Think about it, if not for 2008, then for 2012.

Meanwhile, the countdown continues. Not so long ago it was 1458 days. We must continue to fight for the soul of America that has been broken and beaten by the Republican party that is rotten at the core, and rotting this nation from within and without. We must support and help elect candidates that can oust GOP incumbents or keep new Republicans out of office. We must win the battles at the ballot and keep on defeating those that want to make this nation more bigoted, less secure, more in debt, less caring, more of a police state, less competitive, and more of a religious throcracy.

In 1000 days we will have the chance to say "No More!" to the neo-cons and the Bush cronies. It may seem like a long time, but it will be upon us before you know it.

Posted at 2/07/2006 12:01:00 AM PT 0 Comment(s)

Reprinted here without permission but with sincere thanks to Daniel Kirkdorffer who included this piece in his Blog Click HERE to reach that directly.