in the year 2024 Election
for the Office of President of the United States
a/k/a The National Campaign for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

The National Campaign

Attacking them at the Ballot Box
Constitution of the United States
Links of Interest
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Major Initiatives
Map of the United States
Oath of Office
Presidential Candidate
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Roles of the President
Ruffles and Flurishes & Hail Columbia
Ruffles and Flurishes & Hail to the Chief
Rules of Running
State-by-State Progress
Time Line
Transition Team
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Wasted Vote Theory
What it will take to win
World Atlas
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Attacking them at the Ballot Box:

If you want to keep marching to make your feelings about the economic unfairness rampant in our country known, consider marching into your local Board of Elections office and registering to vote in the upcoming election, which is just 347 days away, Tuesday, November 6, 2012, as of the writing of this piece. If you say that you are sick of all the “disconnect” in this country, then get connected by registering to vote. If you say that your one vote will not make a difference, then read the million or so articles all over the Internet telling of instances of close races where every vote counted to help you get over that hurdle.

You say you are already registered? That’s great. Then you probably remember where your Board of Elections office is located. Just march right back in there and update your registration records by changing your party affiliation from whatever it is to something else. If you and just a few million more voters do that, it will get the attention of the political parties, make pollsters start revisiting voter registration data to figure out what the heck all the migration of voters to one party or another might mean and encourage others do what you have done; shake things up.

If you really don’t want to do any actual marching around, or if you are unable to do so, then consider using The National Mail Voter Registration Form, which is the one document that allows you to register to vote from anywhere in the United States. The workers in the election boards across the nation are busy people. But, only every couple of years does anyone out side those offices pay much attention to these dedicated public servants and political appointees. Of course that may or may not be a completely accurate statement. Just how dedicated election board workers are may be a tough one to determine. Whether they are political appointees or not is almost a certainty. Whether they are workers or not is another question. Hopefully, they at least show up for work. But, if enough people send in registration forms or visit Election Board offices to update their records, it would give what has got to be one of the quietest public office there is in any community some work to do.

Of course the real way to make the attacks at the ballot box work is to get all the many citizens of the United States, who do not vote, to vote. Their numbers would be overwhelming. The key thing then would be to give them candidates for whom to vote who are not beholding to the powerful political parties; independent candidates. But, there are extremely complex and arduous restrictions in place that make it nearly impossible for anyone who is not a political party member to get their name on a ballot almost anywhere in the nation or even to arrange to be elected as a write-in-candidate. Check into it and you will see. Even now, with 347 days remaining to Election Day, it may be too late. But, to whatever extent independent candidates can be fielded to run for any of the offices being contested in the next election, it would be important to do it. It may take a number of election cycles to wrench the power of the ballot box away from the political parties, but it can be done. Start marching.

Drew Kopf
Independent Write-in Candidate for President of the United States of America
Thanksgiving Day
November 24, 2011
