Nautical Related Paintings by Drew Kopf |
Budget |
Candidates |
Constitution of the United States |
Links of Interest |
List of Presidents of the United States |
Major Initiatives |
Map of the United States |
Oath of Office |
Planks |
Presidential Candidate |
Press Releases |
Roles of the President |
Ruffles and Flurishes & Hail Columbia |
Ruffles and Flurishes & Hail to the Chief |
of Running
State-by-State Progress |
Time Line |
Transition Team |
Vice Presidential Candidate |
Wasted Vote Theory |
What it will take to win |
World Atlas |
Drew Marketing, Inc. 740 West End Avenue, Suite 1 New York, NY 10025 USA Phone: (646)998-4208 Fax: (646)998-4073 |
2004 - 2025 Geoffrey
Drew Marketing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction Prohibited. It is prohibited to use any graphics or images in this web site without the written permission of Geoffrey Drew Marketing, Inc. |
Designed, Maintained and Hosted by Geoffrey Drew Marketing |
Nautical Related Paintings by Drew Kopf:
The sea has been a part of my life since the beginning. I was born on the Island of Manhattan and spend my youth on Long Island, the next island east. I played for "millions of hours" on Sea Breeze Beach in Far Rockaway, New York as a tiny child until we moved to Nassau County, which is when Jones Beach became a favorite haunt of mine and remained so until I became more city-centric when I transfered to Yeshiva University High School for Boys of Manhattan in my sophomore year. My Uncle Ruby, who had been a Sea Bee during World War II, was an avid fisherman and took me along with him and his sons, my cousins, Doug and Shep, to fish for flounder in Reynolds Channel off the south shore of Long Island on several occasions. I was not the best fisherman, but I loved the boats we went out on and how they moved through the beautiful waters and how the sunlight played on its surface making magic in my eyes.
I respect the sea and how tremendously dangerous it can be. I am always aware of the wrecks at its bottom and the mysteries it still contains both regarding nature itself and the history of man in our attempts to explore and conquer it.
I am no longer one who sits for hours and bakes until brown as a berry, though I have had my share of very bad sunburns; just ask my sister Arlene who forgot to wake me up one summer’s day at Jones Beach. Wow. I have had my share of splinters from boardwalks. I have walked along the shore for miles and miles leaving my footprints in the wet sand; feeling the earth; picking up sea shells and tiny shards of glass smoothed out and polished by the sea and the sand making them so very special and unique.
Paintings of the sea and of the ships and people who sail it fascinate me. I have not spent enough time capturing such scenes, but the ones I have completed were a delight for me to do and I revisit them fondly from time-to-time.
Nautical Related Paintings by Drew Kopf | ||||||||