Architectural Paintings by Drew Kopf |
Budget |
Candidates |
Constitution of the United States |
Links of Interest |
List of Presidents of the United States |
Major Initiatives |
Map of the United States |
Oath of Office |
Planks |
Presidential Candidate |
Press Releases |
Roles of the President |
Ruffles and Flurishes & Hail Columbia |
Ruffles and Flurishes & Hail to the Chief |
of Running
State-by-State Progress |
Time Line |
Transition Team |
Vice Presidential Candidate |
Wasted Vote Theory |
What it will take to win |
World Atlas |
Drew Marketing, Inc. 740 West End Avenue, Suite 1 New York, NY 10025 USA Phone: (646)998-4208 Fax: (646)998-4073 |
2004 - 2025 Geoffrey
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Buildings fascinate me. They sometimes just take my breath away. I see them as dreams fulfilled and, on the rare occasion that IO come across ones that are empty or boarded up or in a dilapidated state, I think of all the hopes that people had had for that structure, what lives were lived in it; the unfulfilled potential that is there; how it might still have some life in it yet; how it could be saved for new dreams; new hopes.
The way buildings fit into nature from the sky on down makes captivates me. How the sunshine plays over a building's facade and changes its form and color has an almost jewelry like effect on the eye. The most mundane "cookie-cutter" track housing has for me a kind of rhythm in the way the individual houses relate to each other and how they may have been adapted and changed over their lives giving them special qualities that offer the eye treats to be enjoyed and, in my little paintings of them, revisited form time-to-time.
Perhaps my fondest pleasure is to be the guest in the home of a relative or a friend and to have the time to capture an impression of their home in such a way as to give them a periodic glancing reminder of just how special what they have and where they live really is; and to give them a that feeling anytime the gaze wanders over to the portrait of their home.
There are also small elements of building that intrigue me; not the least of which are doors and entrance ways. I see them as portals to and from the stages of life upon which we all play our parts in the ongoing drama and comedy of human existence and I recall from my years in the theater that every entrance is an exit and every exit is an entrance.
Architectural Paintings by Drew Kopf | ||||||||